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Version: 0.27.1

Set up your app for WatermelonDB

Make sure you installed Watermelon before proceeding.

Create model/schema.js in your project. You'll need it for the next step.

import { appSchema, tableSchema } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'

export default appSchema({
version: 1,
tables: [
// We'll add tableSchemas here later

Similarly, create model/migrations.js. (More information about migrations):

import { schemaMigrations } from '@nozbe/watermelondb/Schema/migrations'

export default schemaMigrations({
migrations: [
// We'll add migration definitions here later

Now, in your index.native.js:

import { Platform } from 'react-native'
import { Database } from '@nozbe/watermelondb'
import SQLiteAdapter from '@nozbe/watermelondb/adapters/sqlite'

import schema from './model/schema'
import migrations from './model/migrations'
// import Post from './model/Post' // ⬅️ You'll import your Models here

// First, create the adapter to the underlying database:
const adapter = new SQLiteAdapter({
// (You might want to comment it out for development purposes -- see Migrations documentation)
// (optional database name or file system path)
// dbName: 'myapp',
// (recommended option, should work flawlessly out of the box on iOS. On Android,
// additional installation steps have to be taken - disable if you run into issues...)
jsi: true, /* Platform.OS === 'ios' */
// (optional, but you should implement this method)
onSetUpError: error => {
// Database failed to load -- offer the user to reload the app or log out

// Then, make a Watermelon database from it!
const database = new Database({
modelClasses: [
// Post, // ⬅️ You'll add Models to Watermelon here

The above will work on React Native (iOS/Android) and NodeJS. For the web, instead of SQLiteAdapter use LokiJSAdapter:

import LokiJSAdapter from '@nozbe/watermelondb/adapters/lokijs'

const adapter = new LokiJSAdapter({
// (You might want to comment out migrations for development purposes -- see Migrations documentation)
useWebWorker: false,
useIncrementalIndexedDB: true,
// dbName: 'myapp', // optional db name

// --- Optional, but recommended event handlers:

onQuotaExceededError: (error) => {
// Browser ran out of disk space -- offer the user to reload the app or log out
onSetUpError: (error) => {
// Database failed to load -- offer the user to reload the app or log out
extraIncrementalIDBOptions: {
onDidOverwrite: () => {
// Called when this adapter is forced to overwrite contents of IndexedDB.
// This happens if there's another open tab of the same app that's making changes.
// Try to synchronize the app now, and if user is offline, alert them that if they close this
// tab, some data may be lost
onversionchange: () => {
// database was deleted in another browser tab (user logged out), so we must make sure we delete
// it in this tab as well - usually best to just refresh the page
if (checkIfUserIsLoggedIn()) {

// The rest is the same!

Next steps

➡️ After Watermelon is installed, define your app's schema